Ken Preece, Inventor and Founder of iCoustic Guitars - Ken Preece has been working with acoustic musical instruments for the past 29 years. He began by working with one of his older brothers helping rebuild player pianos at the age of 12. Since his brother was one of the first seven piano technicians to be trained on how to install what was then a new computerized player piano system called the Pianocorder, Ken was able to get hands-on experience with this new technology. Ken's passion for music and early experience with the player piano led naturally to his career choice of Piano Technician. He has been involved in all aspects of piano building and repair from repairing roll-style player pianos and building Nickelodeons to installing CD systems called Piano Disc. Building Nickelodeons consisted of orchestrating a variety of instruments including xylophones, drums, flute pipes, tambourines, and wood blocks that played along with the piano. In the early 1990's Samick Music Corporation recruited Ken to install the Piano Disc systems. He partnered with Samick to do the installations, while simultaneously running his own business doing repairs. He developed friendships with many of the guitar builders employed by Valley Arts (a Samick owned custom guitar company) and gained intimate knowledge of the guitar building process. He purchased a couple of guitars and began playing guitar more seriously.
Ken has always been interested in new technology, particularly when it came to recording music. He is constantly in search of the hottest and most unique electronic devices. Ken's love for the guitar, extensive knowledge of piano and guitar building, coupled with his attraction to new technology are the foundation of his vision…iCoustic.
As a passionate believer in customer service and customer satisfaction, Bob brings to iCoustic not only a sophisticated knowledge of the legal aspects of running a business, but a genuine respect for people and a passion for doing the right thing. “I'm proud of our company and I'm excited when I see faces light up every time we demonstrate the iCoustic System and iCoustic products. Whether they have a knowledge of music or not, our products always generate a smile. I like that.” Dwight has also been tuning pianos since the age of 22. He is well known and respected for his excellent “tuning ear” and has worked on the pianos of top musicians, as well as in well-known studios, and clubs. He has tuned pianos throughout the states of Florida and California, including tuning pianos for the Winter NAMM Shows from 1982 to 1993. Dwight is a “Renaissance Man” who has many varied interests. He is one of those people who has to know how things work and how they can be made better. A perfectionist at heart, Dwight brings his years of experience and his passion for music and innovation to the iCoustic team. Dwight and Ken Preece have worked together on various projects over the past 14 years. Dwight is enthusiastic about their latest collaboration - iCoustic Systems. As an accomplished acoustic guitarist and musical instrument technician, Dwight brings his talents to the manufacturing of iCoustic products. About Us |